About the China Research Group

The China Research Group was set up by a group of Conservative MPs in the UK to promote debate and fresh thinking about how Britain should respond to the rise of China.

The group looks to consider the longer term challenges and opportunities associated with the rise of China and its industrial and diplomatic policies.

These include:

  • China’s industrial policy. How China’s trade policy, state aid and strategic inward investments are shaping the world, not just the UK. 

  • Technology futures. How the development, ownership and regulation of platform technologies that underpin future economic growth and innovation are being influenced. 

  • Chinese foreign policy. The effects of “Belt and Road”, China’s main objectives, and where these align or clash with ours. How to understand Chinese soft power as well as hard power.

The CRG aims to promote understanding, leading to fresh thinking about issues raised by the rise of China, and provide a trustworthy source of news and informed knowledge on China issues.

It seeks to promote greater debate about the huge challenges thrown up by the way China competes in the world.